.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Click The Squares Music Game

Click The Squares aka Sound Matrix is an addicting puzzle game from aM Laboratuvary.

You simply just have to click on the squares to get them to grow and connect with one another. You can’t click on the exact same square twice, you’ll get a maximum of three clicks each square, and when a square has linked with another one you can’t click either of them again. There’s a fun little musical tune at the end of every level.

Click here to play Click The Squares if our above embed code is broken.

Q: How can I download click the squares music game? Where is the download link?
A: You can download Click The Squares Music Game via Download Helper addon of Mozilla Firefox.